
Sunday worship services are offered in person or on Facebook Live at 9:00am. Our Nursery is available for children ages 5 and under during worship services.


Christian education is available for all adults on Sunday mornings, 8:00am.

Bible Study is also available on Thursdays at 1:00pm on Facebook.

what we believe

Redeemer follows three key truths:

Salvation is based on God’s grace, which by definition cannot be earned but only given. This is the grace that saves.

Faith is your relationship with God. It is based on the salvation you received from the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. As you walk with the living presence of Christ in your life and learn how he remains faithful, your own faith grows as greater trust in God. You rely on Him and His teaching and guidance more and more. This is the continued experience of God’s grace which transforms your life.

This relationship and presence in Christ and God’s grace are expressed and felt as we practice the Christian disciplines: weekly worship, daily prayer, Bible study, fellowship, sharing your faith with others, and mutual support.